
  • Downscaling mutualistic networks from species to individuals reveals consistent interaction niches and roles within plant populations
    Quintero, Arroyo, Isla, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Jordano
    bioRxiv (2024)
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  • Lasting effects of avian-frugivore interactions on seed dispersal and seedling establishment
    Quintero, Arroyo, Dirzo, Jordano, Rodríguez-Sánchez
    Journal of Ecology (2024)
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  • Relative decline in density of Northern Hemisphere tree species in warm and arid regions of their climate niches
    Astigarraga, Esquivel-Muelbert, Ruiz-Benito, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Zavala, Vilà-Cabrera, Schelhaas, Kunstler, Woodall, Cienciala, Dahlgren, Govaere, König, Lehtonen, Talarczyk, Liu, Pugh
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2024)
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  • Taking sides? Aspect has limited influence on soil environment or litter decomposition in pan-European study of roadside verges
    Amstutz, Firth, Spicer, De Frenne, Gómez-Aparicio, Graae, Kuś, Lindmo, Orczewska, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Vangansbeke, Vanneste, Hanley
    Pedobiologia (2024)
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  • Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients
    Qiu, Aravena, Ascoli, Bergeron, Bogdziewicz, Boivin, Bonal, Caignard, Cailleret, Calama, Calderon, Camarero, Chang-Yang, Chave, Chianucci, Courbaud, Cutini, Das, Delpierre, Delzon, Dietze, Dormont, Espelta, Fahey, Farfan-Rios, Franklin, Gehring, Gilbert, Gratzer, Greenberg, Guignabert, Guo, Hacket-Pain, Hampe, Han, Holik, Hoshizaki, Ibanez, Johnstone, Journé, Kitzberger, Knops, Kunstler, Kurokawa, Lageard, LaMontagne, Lefevre, Leininger, Limousin, Lutz, Macias, Marell, McIntire, Moore, Moran, Motta, Myers, Nagel, Naoe, Noguchi, Oguro, Parmenter, Pearse, Perez-Ramos, Piechnik, Podgorski, Poulsen, Redmond, Reid, Rodman, Rodriguez-Sanchez, Samonil, Sanguinetti, Scher, Seget, Sharma, Shibata, Silman, Steele, Stephenson, Straub, Sutton, Swenson, Swift, Thomas, Uriarte, Vacchiano, Whipple, Whitham, Wion, Wright, Zhu, Zimmerman, Zywiec, Clark
    Nature Plants (2023)
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  • Premio al mejor revisor de Ecosistemas y reconocimiento a editores invitados del bienio 2021-2022
    Puerta Piñero, Blanco, Jiménez-Eguizábal, Pérez-Luque, Molina Morales, Lacerot, Rodriguez-Sánchez, Alonso, Rodríguez-Echeverría, Miquelajauregui, Bartomeus, Cerón-Souza
    Ecosistemas (2023)
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  • Reciprocity and interaction effectiveness in generalised mutualisms among free-living species
    Quintero, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Jordano
    Ecology Letters (2023)
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  • The easyclimate R package: Easy access to high-resolution daily climate data for Europe
    Cruz-Alonso, Pucher, Ratcliffe, Ruiz-Benito, Astigarraga, Neumann, Hasenauer, Rodríguez-Sánchez
    Environmental Modelling & Software (2023)
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  • Widespread latitudinal asymmetry in the performance of marginal populations: A meta‐analysis
    Pulido, Castagneyrol, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Cáceres, Pardo, Moracho, Kollmann, Valladares, Ehrlén, Jump, Svenning, Hampe
    Global Ecology and Biogeography (2023)
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  • Evaluación del estado de conservación de las Dehesas Extremeñas usando LiDAR del PNOA y el Inventario Forestal Nacional (IFN IV)
    Lobo, Duque-Lazo, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Tomé, Bernal
    8º Congreso Forestal Español (2022)
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  • Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients
    Journé, Andrus, Aravena, Ascoli, Berretti, Berveiller, Bogdziewicz, Boivin, Bonal, Caignard, Calama, Camarero, Chang‐Yang, Courbaud, Courbet, Curt, Das, Daskalakou, Davi, Delpierre, Delzon, Dietze, Donoso Calderon, Dormont, Maria Espelta, Fahey, Farfan‐Rios, Gehring, Gilbert, Gratzer, Greenberg, Guo, Hacket‐Pain, Hampe, Han, Lambers, Hoshizaki, Ibanez, Johnstone, Kabeya, Kays, Kitzberger, Knops, Kobe, Kunstler, Lageard, LaMontagne, Leininger, Limousin, Lutz, Macias, McIntire, Moore, Moran, Motta, Myers, Nagel, Noguchi, Ourcival, Parmenter, Pearse, Perez‐Ramos, Piechnik, Poulsen, Poulton‐Kamakura, Qiu, Redmond, Reid, Rodman, Rodriguez‐Sanchez, Sanguinetti, Scher, Marle, Seget, Sharma, Silman, Steele, Stephenson, Straub, Swenson, Swift, Thomas, Uriarte, Vacchiano, Veblen, Whipple, Whitham, Wright, Wright, Zhu, Zimmerman, Zlotin, Zywiec, Clark
    Ecology Letters (2022)
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  • Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery
    Qiu, Andrus, Aravena, Ascoli, Bergeron, Berretti, Berveiller, Bogdziewicz, Boivin, Bonal, Bragg, Caignard, Calama, Camarero, Chang-Yang, Cleavitt, Courbaud, Courbet, Curt, Das, Daskalakou, Davi, Delpierre, Delzon, Dietze, Calderon, Dormont, Espelta, Fahey, Farfan-Rios, Gehring, Gilbert, Gratzer, Greenberg, Guo, Hacket-Pain, Hampe, Han, Hille Ris Lambers, Hoshizaki, Ibanez, Johnstone, Journé, Kabeya, Kilner, Kitzberger, Knops, Kobe, Kunstler, Lageard, LaMontagne, Ledwon, Lefevre, Leininger, Limousin, Lutz, Macias, McIntire, Moore, Moran, Motta, Myers, Nagel, Noguchi, Ourcival, Parmenter, Pearse, Perez-Ramos, Piechnik, Poulsen, Poulton-Kamakura, Redmond, Reid, Rodman, Rodriguez-Sanchez, Sanguinetti, Scher, Schlesinger, Schmidt Van Marle, Seget, Sharma, Silman, Steele, Stephenson, Straub, Sun, Sutton, Swenson, Swift, Thomas, Uriarte, Vacchiano, Veblen, Whipple, Whitham, Wion, Wright, Wright, Zhu, Zimmerman, Zlotin, Zywiec, Clark
    Nature Communications (2022)
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  • Maintaining forest cover to enhance temperature buffering under future climate change
    De Lombaerde, Vangansbeke, Lenoir, Van Meerbeek, Lembrechts, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Luoto, Scheffers, Haesen, Aalto, Christiansen, De Pauw, Depauw, Govaert, Greiser, Hampe, Hylander, Klinges, Koelemeijer, Meeussen, Ogée, Sanczuk, Vanneste, Zellweger, Baeten, De Frenne
    Science of The Total Environment (2022)
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  • ClimPlant: Realized climatic niches of vascular plants in European forest understoreys
    Vangansbeke, Máliš, Hédl, Chudomelová, Vild, Wulf, Jahn, Welk, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, De Frenne
    Global Ecology and Biogeography (2021)
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  • Primary Coenzyme Q deficiencies: A literature review and online platform of clinical features to uncover genotype-phenotype correlations
    Alcázar-Fabra, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Trevisson, Brea-Calvo
    Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2021)
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  • Rdataretriever: R Interface to the Data Retriever
    Senyondo, McGlinn, Sharma, Harris, Ye, Taylor, Ooms, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Ram, Pandey, Bansal, Pohlman, White
    Journal of Open Source Software (2021)
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  • Quince consejos para mejorar nuestro código y flujo de trabajo con R
    Ecosistemas (2020)
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  • Global buffering of temperatures under forest canopies
    De Frenne, Zellweger, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Scheffers, Hylander, Luoto, Vellend, Verheyen, Lenoir
    Nature Ecology & Evolution (2019)
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  • Niche Estimation Above and Below the Species Level
    Smith, Godsoe, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Wang, Warren
    Trends in Ecology & Evolution (2019)
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  • Análisis de la producción de corcho en 6 municipios del Parque Natural Los Alcornocales (Cádiz-Málaga) durante los últimos 30 años (1985-2014)
    Jurado, Luque-Oliva, Rodríguez-Sánchez
    Almoraima (2018)
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  • Cracking the Code of Biodiversity Responses to Past Climate Change
    Nogués-Bravo, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Orsini, de Boer, Jansson, Morlon, Fordham, Jackson
    Trends in Ecology & Evolution (2018)
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  • Impactos de la herbivoría por ungulados en las comunidades de plantas leñosas del Parque Natural Los Alcornocales
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, Luque-Oliva, Jurado
    Almoraima (2018)
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  • Pliocene–Pleistocene ecological niche evolution shapes the phylogeography of a Mediterranean plant group
    Benítez‐Benítez, Escudero, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Martín‐Bravo, Jiménez‐Mejías
    Molecular Ecology (2018)
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  • Academia's failure to retain data scientists
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, Marwick, Lazowska, VanderPlas
    Science (2017)
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  • Niche shifts after long‐distance dispersal events in bipolar sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae)
    Villaverde, González‐Moreno, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Escudero
    American Journal of Botany (2017)
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  • Optimizando el uso de R para el análisis de datos en ecología
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, Bartomeus
    Ecosistemas (2017)
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  • A second horizon scan of biogeography: Golden Ages, Midas touches, and the Red Queen
    Dawson, Axmacher, Beierkuhnlein, Blois, Bradley, Cord, Dengler, He, Heaney, Jansson, Mahecha, Myers, Nogués-Bravo, Papadopoulou, Reu, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Steinbauer, Stigall, Tuanmu, Gavin
    Frontiers of Biogeography (2016)
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  • Ciencia reproducible: ¿qué, por qué, cómo?
    Rodríguez-Sanchez, Pérez-Luque, Bartomeus, Varela
    Ecosistemas (2016)
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  • Ecoinformática: nuevo grupo de trabajo de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre
    Rodríguez Sánchez, Pérez-Luque, Bartomeus, Varela
    Ecosistemas (2016)
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  • Light accelerates plant responses to warming
    De Frenne, Rodríguez-Sánchez, De Schrijver, Coomes, Hermy, Vangansbeke, Verheyen
    Nature Plants (2015)
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  • Climate refugia: joint inference from fossil records, species distribution models and phylogeography
    Gavin, Fitzpatrick, Gugger, Heath, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Dobrowski, Hampe, Hu, Ashcroft, Bartlein, Blois, Carstens, Davis, de Lafontaine, Edwards, Fernandez, Henne, Herring, Holden, Kong, Liu, Magri, Matzke, McGlone, Saltré, Stigall, Tsai, Williams
    New Phytologist (2014)
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  • Long‐term hurricane damage effects on tropical forest tree growth and mortality
    Tanner, Rodriguez-Sanchez, Healey, Holdaway, Bellingham
    Ecology (2014)
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  • Thermophilization estimation is robust to the scale of species distribution data
    De Frenne, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Bernhardt-Römermann, Brown, Eriksson, Hermy, Mitchell, Petřík, Van Calster, Vellend, Verheyen
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2014)
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  • Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to infer species' responses to temperature
    De Frenne, Graae, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Kolb, Chabrerie, Decocq, De Kort, De Schrijver, Diekmann, Eriksson, Gruwez, Hermy, Lenoir, Plue, Coomes, Verheyen
    Journal of Ecology (2013)
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  • Looking forward through the past: identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology
    Seddon, Mackay, Baker, Birks, Breman, Buck, Ellis, Froyd, Gill, Gillson, Johnson, Jones, Juggins, Macias‐Fauria, Mills, Morris, Nogués‐Bravo, Punyasena, Roland, Tanentzap, Willis, Aberhan, van Asperen, Austin, Battarbee, Bhagwat, Belanger, Bennett, Birks, Bronk Ramsey, Brooks, de Bruyn, Butler, Chambers, Clarke, Davies, Dearing, Ezard, Feurdean, Flower, Gell, Hausmann, Hogan, Hopkins, Jeffers, Korhola, Marchant, Kiefer, Lamentowicz, Larocque‐Tobler, López‐Merino, Liow, McGowan, Miller, Montoya, Morton, Nogué, Onoufriou, Boush, Rodriguez‐Sanchez, Rose, Sayer, Shaw, Payne, Simpson, Sohar, Whitehouse, Williams, Witkowski
    Journal of Ecology (2013)
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  • Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming
    De Frenne, Rodríguez-Sánchez, Coomes, Baeten, Verstraeten, Vellend, Bernhardt-Römermann, Brown, Brunet, Cornelis, Decocq, Dierschke, Eriksson, Gilliam, Hédl, Heinken, Hermy, Hommel, Jenkins, Kelly, Kirby, Mitchell, Naaf, Newman, Peterken, Petřík, Schultz, Sonnier, Van Calster, Waller, Walther, White, Woods, Wulf, Graae, Verheyen
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2013)
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  • Age‐related sexual plumage dimorphism and badge framing in the European Robin Erithacus rubecula
    Ibis (2012)
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  • Climate refugia: from the Last Glacial Maximum to the twenty‐first century
    Hampe, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Dobrowski, Hu, Gavin
    New Phytologist (2012)
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  • Climate refugia: joint inferences from fossils, genetics and models
    Gavin, Dobrowski, Hampe, Hu, Rodríguez‐Sánchez
    PAGES News (2012)
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  • Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, De Frenne, Hampe
    Nature Climate Change (2012)
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  • Cenozoic climate changes and the demise of Tethyan laurel forests: lessons for the future from an integrative reconstruction of the past
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, Arroyo
    Climate Change, Ecology and Systematics (2011)
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  • Un análisis integrado de la respuesta de las especies al cambio climático: biogeografía y ecología de árboles relictos en el Mediterráneo
    Ecosistemas (2011)
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  • Isolation and characterization of 20 microsatellite loci for laurel species (Laurus, Lauraceae)
    Arroyo, Rigueiro, Rodríguez, Hampe, Valido, Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Jordano
    American Journal of Botany (2010)
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  • Past tree range dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula inferred through phylogeography and palaeodistribution modelling: A review
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, Hampe, Jordano, Arroyo
    Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology (2010)
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  • Late Neogene history of the laurel tree (*Laurus* L., Lauraceae) based on phylogeographical analyses of Mediterranean and Macaronesian populations
    Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Guzmán, Valido, Vargas, Arroyo
    Journal of Biogeography (2009)
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  • Los canutos de las Sierras de Algeciras y el Aljibe, retazos del pasado en un ambiente mediterráneo
    Arroyo, Hampe, Rodríguez-Sánchez
    Proyecto Andalucía. Serie Ecología (2009)
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  • Matorrales ombrófilos arborescentes con Laurus nobilis
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, Arroyo
    Bases ecológicas preliminares para la conservación de los tipos de hábitat de interés comunitario en España (2009)
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  • Reconstructing the demise of Tethyan plants: climate‐driven range dynamics of *Laurus* since the Pliocene
    Rodríguez‐Sánchez, Arroyo
    Global Ecology and Biogeography (2008)
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  • The Strait of Gibraltar as a melting pot for plant biodiversity
    Rodriguez-Sanchez, Pérez-Barrales, Ojeda, Vargas, Arroyo
    Quaternary Science Reviews (2008)
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  • La necesidad de la experimentación en ecología y conservación: una aproximación para la restauración forestal en el Parque Natural Los Alcornocales
    Rodríguez-Sánchez, Arroyo
    Almoraima (2005)
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  • Restauración de comunidades vegetales en el Parque Natural los Alcornocales
    Boletín del Parque Natural Los Alcornocales (2003)
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